Tuesday, June 10, 2008

time passages

the night passes by, i know not why;
the sun shines yet , and evening sets cry;
aloud for you, and quitely for me;
your land of silence, and mine of shame;
rise up again, for i know now why;
thats uprising for you, and alas you sigh;
love at the threshold,love at the maze;
love for the creature, who bore us well;
into the night, and out of the day;
where the sun sets yet and night crawls by;
though this i do not know why;
the path you tread, the prints you leave;
leave me perplexed, into the soaring sky;
where wings beat faster, and my heart could die;
for in your realm of the subtle might, i utter a silent cry;
for glory and god, you shine my love;
for eternity and ever,in that silent night;
the dove sails by,where even you could never really say why.

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