Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Rush Hour @ House Of The People : Jamshedpur Lok Sabha Elections

Amidst banners,hoardings,flags and slogans,the death knell soundest the loudest of principles,morality and constitutional proprieties in all the manifestations that adorn any civil society.A mid term election's inevitability left unaddressed for and by a pm in waiting and a cm in waiting,the adminstrative machinery's watchful eyes forced many a careless politicians to guard themselves against sparking societal enemity and disharmony.LK Advani had clearly failed the test of patriarchy save his acknowledgements of the information highway.The element of failure is an integral constituent of choice.A choice which we make for ourselves,on behalf and for others.Speeches that colourably disguise our inabilities not only dissuade real growth but stall the process for the future generation too whose age has come and undisputedly should be nurtured under the aegis of those who have their foundations in the corridors of education and the altar of conscience.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Jamshedpur Lok Sabha

Belonging to the fraternity of lawyers, it is our personal obligation to explain the framework, the domain and the tenacity of the Constitution Of India in supporting or rejecting malicious circumstances aimed solely at inflicting irreconcilable defeats and gaining false victories. The Constitution Of India we should admit at the outset reigns supreme. Article 101(2) under vacation of seats in the house of the people states, “No person shall be a member both of parliament and of a house of the legislature of a state”. If elected to the legislative assembly and resignation from the parliament not adhered to within the specified period as per rules framed by the President Of India, the seat shall be considered vacated. A candidate of the Bharatiya Janta Party projected alongside his announcement for the Lok Sabha elections for the Jamshedpur Constituency as the Chief Ministerial candidate too is not in good taste of democratic reforms. Article 174 and Article 170 furthermore articulating the ephemeral six month period and composition too vis a vis adequate representation, Article 330 relates to reservation of seats for members of the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe which in a progressive society is very noble and is made solely for the purpose of assimilation i.e. bringing such members of the society in the mainstream alongside others. The obedience of such allowances though is the need of the hour and its extinguishment after the stipulated period rightly so where we would all be equal, the announcement of such candidatures is surely not our concern since it is the personal opinion of a political party and part of its own agenda more so for our faith in the creator and all his creations equally majestic innately since birth. The non permissible and unacceptable bit is elections being thrust on the people in such a manner that such candidates who have been projected as the Chief Minister too if the party assumes power in the State Of Jharkhand, re-elections for the constituency towards choosing a representative for Parliament in the same tenure is an inevitability. We, as a matured populace should discourage such practices more so with such candidates harping on Constitutional values and propriety in articles which appeared incidentally today in the Hindustan, a respectable Hindi daily.Shibu Soren’s failure in securing a seat at the legislative assembly towards retaining the post of Chief Minster has already plunged the state into a state of limbo and uncertainty. We, as voters should cast our votes more consciously and elect the most befitting candidate worthy of representing us in Parliament. An honest and able candidate with a vision for true development should be our appropriate choice. In the absence of one, we should unhesitantly try being a candidate ourselves while imperative it is to state that our pledge to serve the constituency selflessly without fear and favour for the entire term of five years should be uncompromising. A prime minister in waiting could wait some more.