Friday, July 8, 2016


The PMO,
The Chief Minister, Himachal Pradesh,
The Ministry Of Home Affairs,
The Ministry Of External Affairs,
The Ministry Of Environment, Forests & Climate Change,
The Indian Army through The Ministry Of Defence,
The Church Of North India,
The Embassy of the Federal Republic Of Germany,
New Delhi, INDIA.

Re: Repeated Assaults By Individuals under Manali P.S Himachal Pradesh INDIA.

Respected Sirs and Madams,
I, presently work for a social enterprise called Babbage Paper in my capacity of Founder/Co-Founder, which is an informative newsletter cum electronic paper with the backdrop of Combating Climate Change. Our presence is mostly virtual but being a nascent and start-up of a venture involving the social domain at all concerned portals, our physical presence has been thus more prominent esp. given our indulgence in the last three years in community work and the horribly snail pace; having discovered that life in the mountains is difficult and slow learners do take some time esp. when age is not quite on your side and risk to life and liberty are principal components which ought not be disregarded. We, in our incognito cum insignificant capacity are striving to win a lost war on the climate front I, definitely feel since the tipping point having occurred in the 80s and the climate proponents suggestion of resurgent economies too for the estimated periods only worsened the situation besides the gross failure of climate talks vis a vis commitments and discussions equally so on the credit front included therewith the demand for double credits too. The results of the Paris Summit, we may have to wait for in the absence of complete participatory dialogues but largely, our concerns as a race in 2016 ought be Clean Air, Clean Water, Clean Food and Clean Energy.
            In my capacity of Founder, Co-Founder at Lexus Indicus (a research based legal hub in continuation of erstwhile litigation et al during my infancy years in the legal profession), Sanskriti Initiatives (a not for profit center during my years as a Practicing Advocate and later), Mudrika Alluvium (a sustainability platform, where the initial indulgence was international trade on the sustainability platform for about two years) and presently since the last three years, Babbage Paper (an informative newsletter cum electronic paper with the backdrop of combating climate change); I have endeavored and strived to stand for the forests,animals,rivers and children and am reiterating my stand which I had taken before the officials of Home Ministry and the MEA, who had come to interrogate my activities with authority; I assume. Even if they did not have, I would not be the slightest bit surprised, given the situation of a complete failure of law and order through the entire country. I, admittedly did inform the Department of Forests, the Police Department, the Gram Panchayat, the German Embassy and most certainly, the MEA post a physical attack on me vis a vis the same and earlier situations where my electrical connection was severed in the midst of a really harsh winter. There was little action from anyone’s part save the Forest Department who erected a board stating the dos and donts inside the protected manali wildlife sanctuary. The afore incidents were not isolated ones and I certainly do not see or read them as such. (Communications dated 01.02.2015 and 16.04.2015 are on record)
            A successive attack was made on me again on 05.10.2015 by a person (Called Palu & official name unknown) who is a stranger to me but related to the family whose tenant I was. I was suffering from acute conjunctivitis (unless there were discreet misdeeds by the people around to indicate otherwise with Med Report dated 01.10.2015 on record herein) and was blind for a phase before the incident and almost after the first blow to my eyes. The assailant knew exactly where to hit, that I was almost blind and had indeed come more than prepared satisfying all requisite elements for mens rea. My life got saved due to timely intervention by my friend cum colleague, Debrah Huber when he was looking for a rock to crush my head on with the weight of his body and arms. A visit to the Government Dispensary led to my case being qualified a Medico Legal Case and the next natural ascend or descend happened to be the Manali Police Station. The Police on that very day inspite of seeing me battered as hell suggested (principally, ASI Sh. Prem Singh) that I accompany a constable to the assailant’s house impound or arrest and produce the character before the Police. All that was expected of me was to pay the fare of the auto-rickshaw, it was quipped. A stand that I did not wish to initiate any legal recourse through the Police or the Government of Himachal Pradesh or the Union Of India was well conveyed and the primary reason for doing so was indeed to avoid any further contact with anti-social elements and their cohorts in all hues. At the Lady Willingdon Hospital, where I had to go for getting my x-rays done as the concerned technician was away or the machine itself had broken down; I find it highly imperative to state that my records were tweaked, my head was forcibly turned the other way inspite of repeated requests seeking a befitting examination. A member of the Panchayat even approached me at the very Hospital to deter me from doing any community work or even staying in the Old Manali Village. On a successive visit, the assailant turns up at the LWH with a semi dead person and with some goons he tried threatening my friend, Debrah Huber who was waiting outside the x-ray room. The doctors on attendance were also duly informed of the same; a policeman who was present therein to investigate the cause of accident and a repeated examination that day met the same fate. Imperative it is to state that Sh. Shivdayal Thakur with his mother were also present that day at the Hospital. Information about the gross anomaly in medical examination and reports was conveyed later to the Director and the Bishop under whose aegis and the CNI (Church Of North India), the institution functions. Nothing came of the e-mails except a reply which said they were all right about everything all throughout. An application under the Right To Information was duly filed by me seeking a photocopy or certified copy of the hand written Information which I had provided to the Police and sadly enough, it still awaits with my due iteration that I certainly did not wish to pursue any legal recourse and the primary reason I hope it would be safe for me to say that the element of trust was indeed missing entirely. (RTI Application to SDM on 03.12.2015,Endorsement Date: 06.12.2015, RTI Intimation Date 16/17.12.2015 and Visit to Manali P.S on date 18.12.15 vis a vis my RTI Application remain such). The reasons forwarded by the landlord’s family and conveyed equally to the Police were:
a) I have too many friends and some to the sheer annoyance of the landlord’s family belonged to the lower caste and specifically Harijans while the rest besides the non-irritant ones were foreigners,
 b.) I break bread with them and sleep over at times at their places. This could have been their best excuse when the entire nation is up in arms against each other while ensuring that the Brahminical Order is demolished and the Brahmin eliminated. This has been quote unquote made to go viral on the web and it is not the figment of my imagination which makes me write such debasing situations and circumstances. Himachal Pradesh is promoted heavily on the tourist circuit as the Land Of The Gods, besides many a historical reasons, which may not strangely find much support anthropologically, given the current populace of the villages. Things do undergo changes like people and the exertion of might finds its due place in their character. Bihar, has witnessed these caste wars wherein the Rajputs practically raised an army called the Ranbir Sena and caste clashes have left hundreds and hundreds dead in the state. I fear, Himachal Pradesh is treading no different a path and is doomed towards absolute anarchy and cultural impoverishment should this be the setting trend and strangely enough, it seems to have been so. The Brahmins to be eradicated so all can go upscale is clearly an aberration of thought and a call of arms to burn all scriptures, simplify or nullify practices as to abolish the Puranas, Vedas and the Upanishads besides many an epic and scripture is clearly not the need of the hour. People do migrate from villages and regions into another and find suitable housing where they may be accepted and sociological orders have indeed been the most prominent in terms of a sect of the populace huddling together too. The village was adopted by the Office of the Prime Minister and requisite data concerning the same should not be too difficult a task to establish the practices between the original settlers and the present ones, especially when it comes to either a reference to the Ramayanas or the Manu Smriti and most importantly figures as Sage Vashist or Sage Vyasa.As the bearers of the Upanishads, we would be akin to being curious. The Apex Court has always kept its doors open for everyone and when the rights to perform rituals are questioned, without a sign of protest most temples through out India have had to fling open their doors to achieve equality. We, indeed are a developing country in terms of economic stature before the world communities but going by the invasions over the years, we have been reduced to nothing but some genetic aberrations which unchecked can consume the human kind.
A third reason forwarded directly by the Panchayat Member aforementioned has been my repeated communications on Forest Violations which ought not be my concern apparently while the final one forwarded by the family of the landlord has also been that with reasons sufficing all the above sans the third one, I dared to negotiate for a traditional house in the village. The people who owned land supposedly in the vicinity of Shiva Cottage at Old Manali Village and the reason for the continuous lurking around esp. prior to the assault have been Budhram Thakur, Shivdayal Thakur and Jindoram Thakur whose relative attacked me in the presence (the second time on the same day) of Budhram Thakur’s daughter and Jindoram Thakur’s daughter’s son, I believe after their arrival post a frantic telephonic or mobile call made by Debrah Huber to Tehali Devi, the daughter of my landlord during the attack. Both of those summoned namely Tehali Devi and Chandan stood spectators to the merciless thrashing carried out against their request as a show of spectacle which they had initially missed.
 The Police escorted me later and A.S.I Sh. Prem Singh insisted that I come along while there was snow all around and his insistence had been strong. I had never coerced the Police nor am I an influential person or with adequate cash to bribe anybody to discharge their initial duties. Another gentleman from the P.S accompanied us though I never got to speak to the Officer In-Charge nor do I think he ever really worked on the case as the Police is known or expected to as per rule at the first instance. I was offered a cup of tea with biscuit and made to have it inspite of my reluctance and find it most imperative to state that there indeed is a phase of that accompaniment with the Police at the residence of Jindoram Thakur which I do not remember assuming I may have passed out. From the recollections of prior and post, the Policeman Sh. Prem Singh fell at Jindoram Thakur’s feet and started exchanging sweet pleasantries while Jindoram Thakur kept jabbing and threatening in his uncouth tone of speech. I am not given to interacting with the lowliest and have never faltered on rentals to Budhram Thakur while it is imperative to state equally that Jindoram Thakur has a water pipe running through the apple orchard while there is no way demarcated to a piece of land he stakes claim to. May be his, may not be his and answers to these and more can only be provided by agencies through the Police and the SDM, should there have been the exploitation of a Quasi Judicial remedy in perfection et al of title or valid cum invalid appropriation through the office of the D.C too. A final reason, the contentious water pipe forwarded by the family of Jindoram Thakur seems too inadequate for the scale of offence and sequence of events being as it is, an inter family contention and a direct offence against the State. The Head policeman of the station was in fact present outside the office of the SDM on the day of my application under the RTI concerning the ascertainment of the information provided to the Police.
We, admittedly are not from the State of Himachal Pradesh and would not want to be the slightest bit where there are full fledged caste and economic tussles going on and neither have I nor any of my ancestors been ever taught or been oriented through the method of instruction of Urdu or Zaban-e-Dehlvi as Amir Khusro has been noted to quote. The problem of course as I understand is that the war of hatred sweeping through the entire nation is because of the threat which looms large over those whose ancestors managed to flee persecution from those whose families were not so fortunate. It is wrong ethically and morally to quip on a sect a few of whom could give all a bad name but to even vaguely be able to explain the correct position of things so all benefit with those responsible either sent to the gallows or behind bars forever particularly on suo-motu circumstances whence hobnobbing with the lowest of the lowliest may not quite be any of our interests. The agencies of the State especially when it comes to Law & Order which undoubtedly is foremost a state subject, ought be our foremost guardian and protector while we stand guaranteed by the Constitution under Article 19 to reside anywhere and pursue any occupation throughout the territory of India et al, particularly those which seem to have gone into a state of utter aberration, incidents as these startle us and only make us wonder about our next course of action to save not such people or States but our very own Nation which we have strived real hard to resurrect.
            I have suffered irreparable damage to my jaw and eyes and treatment being expensive may be difficult unless the State intervenes and ensures through all it’s agencies to make rectificatory amends between the fine lines of pecuniary and ordinary detentions included therewith preventive too. I have changed residence and now reside in a village called Vashist on the other side of Village Old Manali.My present landlord is a gentleman who I believe belongs to a lower caste though I have never bothered to ask him his caste. I would never give a damn about these things especially when one of the causes I can most proudly flaunt is activism for a sect who are Moslems.They are my brethren and I would always and forever stand by them not because of any reason but the fact that they are a sect who are either defunct or were born so on account of genetic mutations caused by the Bhopal gas tragedy. It is another lost war we are consistently striving to fight and to top it all, there only seem to be more deformities and deaths every year since 1984.There has to be a rational to such errant behavior and state supported vandalism cum character assassinations. My friend cum colleague at Babbage Paper whose registration as an initial sec25 and now sec 8 company is still being worked upon by us and in the last few years, I have made no money at all save in my individual capacity to keep the venture and myself going especially post a colleague’s resignation too. All savings are gone and deterred not the least bit am I.I am presently rather trying to raise adequate funds for community work in Nepal through Art and We, certainly hope to exceed the targeted sums. Nepal, has been known to give refuge to Brahmins and in my earnest desire to survive amongst all that lawlessness has to offer, our failure of curbing anti-social elements and particularly the Mafiosi which all the people named herein are nothing short of, is becoming an embarrassment for us through the entire Himalayan belt. It is no short of state sponsored terrorism and holding the others ransom. The Army too, above whose establishment; the DRDO we reside is being apprised similarly should state action fail and intend absolutely to make this an open letter for all to be viewed including those who have a very valid reason to challenge establishments not for reasons of maiming or killing but to apprise all valid stake holders. This nation belongs to all and the planet equally whence addressing issues of climate change and it is crucial for those with the expertise to interfere or intervene. We, undoubtedly have become a rogue state and the last nail in the coffin I hope we never get to learn is a fallen Judiciary too.
            I have recently returned from Nepal after about four months post meetings with Government et al for continuing and extending the work on climate issues et al and given the validity of all that I have had to state and particularly the instant communication which is bound to not go down too well with most mentioned herein, the instant endeavor is to ensure that I am not tainted on the wrong side of the law should there be any attempts on our lives, particularly mine while I reserve all rights towards self defence.Any loss of life would be deeply regretted while undertaking in absolute terms that I have little inclination to harm ,maim or kill any individual/s , be they agents appointed by the State or Others while apprising beforehand that should there be loss of lives at our end, the instant communication may be kindly relied upon for any reference or affirmative action.
            I, personally do not expect any action and nor am I seeking any but the right to conduct my personal practices as a Brahmin ought not be a prickly issue for any of any colour and neither my stand on issues which threaten the common good especially concerning animals or wildlife if threatened; there is bound to be a discord and I would have no inhibitions in seeking support from any such corner which is accorded under the due process of Law. The recipients I would kindly request to take stock of the situations at their own ends included therewith those in other Nations where the yardsticks may be glaringly different. Mails marked at the earliest to the German Embassy et al have returned undelivered and these are clearly signs of tolerance and abetment if not direct insinuations against all and sundry by those occupying exalted positions in and outside their countries of governance. My reiteration of non action on any agencies’ part I standby, a continuity of the fervent plea I had made to the Assailant when I was trying my level best to keep him on the ground against his violent behavior which he wished to unleash on Debrah Huber after she had to intervene to save my life. I am more than grateful that he spared her in my state of blindness and my gratitude ends only there. It does not extend to me and in my abilities to keep us safe from any further injury or loss of life, I would hesitate not the least bit to either handle a weapon, seek help or kill with even my bare hands should urgency dictate so in complete defense even against any apprehension too with a very specific iteration in the same breath that I continue to be a person who practices and preaches Non-Violence as much as my testimony remains intact that not a blow or strike had I ever returned in exchange. I have never compromised on the issue at the Manali P.S as much was the indication of the Policeman designated as ASI after the visit to the family of Jindoram Thakur may have been while stating in absolute unequivocal terms that the cause of action continuing with my permanent injuries and looming threat, there is no rule of limitation from any rule book that can ever apply or be colourably also be made applicable.
            Kindly also find attached along with copies of the communications, records and reports afore quipped while my sincere apologies for the inconvenience which is deeply regretted may kindly be accepted..
            Thanking You.                                  
Yours Truly,

Dated 08.07.2016                                                                             Mr. Sumay Sarangi
New Delhi                                                      Founder/Co-Founder: Babbage Paper.   
Cellular-9709249605                                  (Having Its Regd Office at 125 Sanjay Rd

 - 8527931778.                                 Sakchi, Jamshedpur Jharkhand INDIA.)

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