Monday, September 14, 2009


A global recession affects the prices of commodities and reveals a southern bound economic graph.The Indian scenario however needs to be understood as the belonging of a developing economy, a scenario where economic downturn or prosperity has always been complimented by our fondness and indifference to rampant corruption,red tapeismand dealings behind closed doors.Organisations have survived solely on such a plinth and at the lowest levels, the estimated figures stand as such ; every peon , babu and bada babu as are called(preferred against their own names too ) charge an amount beginning at Rs. 10/-.The water boy or girl seeks Rs. 5/- for every file to go through the doors of govt. offices.In the civil or district courts there are about at least 40 courts on an average.These support about 100 such personnel and an average offering of Rs. 25 amounts to Rs. 2,500/- and per day about Rs.2,500 X 100 cases or litigants summing up to Rs. 2,50,000/- per day at abysmally low figures needless to state that monies are taken from both the parties thus doubling the amount to Rs.5,00,000/-.The backlog of cases,further dates and inordinate delays could well reveal the real figures.This is unaccounted money circling in the economy.The entire figure is collosal understanding inter alia that government salaries and perks are fed through the tax payer's hard earned money.The amount if taken into account government offices,courts of quasi-judicial authorities,police stations,their HQs,traffic cops etc. sums up to an amount enough to do away with hunger,clothing for the under clothed,shelter for the homeless and needlesss to state for those who have had to turn naxalites,take up arms and live outside the folds of society. There ofcourse are scams,bunglings,corruption beginning at the slightly higher level and so on involving state and union public service members,officers, the judiciary,our state and union ministers and those highly decorated offices too.In the history of this nation, never before was a President accused of murder and swindling.We have stood testimony to that too, astounding as it may seem that she is India's first female President.The only moment of pride in my nascent years in the legal profession was accosting the case study of the U.S bribe givers in India tried in the U.S under the Foreign Corrupt Trade Practices Act .The case it is imperative to mention is the Bhopal Gas Tragedy still awaiting final disposal in the Bhopal District Court, at Jabalpur High Court,the Supreme Court and those in the United States Of America.While the world heaves a sigh, we only get more indifferent and unlock our most sanctimonious coffers for the world to see it completely empty.

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