Monday, September 14, 2009


A global recession affects the prices of commodities and reveals a southern bound economic graph.The Indian scenario however needs to be understood as the belonging of a developing economy, a scenario where economic downturn or prosperity has always been complimented by our fondness and indifference to rampant corruption,red tapeismand dealings behind closed doors.Organisations have survived solely on such a plinth and at the lowest levels, the estimated figures stand as such ; every peon , babu and bada babu as are called(preferred against their own names too ) charge an amount beginning at Rs. 10/-.The water boy or girl seeks Rs. 5/- for every file to go through the doors of govt. offices.In the civil or district courts there are about at least 40 courts on an average.These support about 100 such personnel and an average offering of Rs. 25 amounts to Rs. 2,500/- and per day about Rs.2,500 X 100 cases or litigants summing up to Rs. 2,50,000/- per day at abysmally low figures needless to state that monies are taken from both the parties thus doubling the amount to Rs.5,00,000/-.The backlog of cases,further dates and inordinate delays could well reveal the real figures.This is unaccounted money circling in the economy.The entire figure is collosal understanding inter alia that government salaries and perks are fed through the tax payer's hard earned money.The amount if taken into account government offices,courts of quasi-judicial authorities,police stations,their HQs,traffic cops etc. sums up to an amount enough to do away with hunger,clothing for the under clothed,shelter for the homeless and needlesss to state for those who have had to turn naxalites,take up arms and live outside the folds of society. There ofcourse are scams,bunglings,corruption beginning at the slightly higher level and so on involving state and union public service members,officers, the judiciary,our state and union ministers and those highly decorated offices too.In the history of this nation, never before was a President accused of murder and swindling.We have stood testimony to that too, astounding as it may seem that she is India's first female President.The only moment of pride in my nascent years in the legal profession was accosting the case study of the U.S bribe givers in India tried in the U.S under the Foreign Corrupt Trade Practices Act .The case it is imperative to mention is the Bhopal Gas Tragedy still awaiting final disposal in the Bhopal District Court, at Jabalpur High Court,the Supreme Court and those in the United States Of America.While the world heaves a sigh, we only get more indifferent and unlock our most sanctimonious coffers for the world to see it completely empty.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

paradoxical blues-r.i.p.m.j.

:: Grand Circus Band ::

Suggested to be performed with piano,sarangi,dhol,ghungroo and violin.
AumTriyambakam Yaja MahiSugandhim Pushti VardhanamUrwa Vi Kami Wa VandanathamMrutya Mukshiya Vandanatham
(The Maha Mrityunjay Mantra-against trance with tunes replicating the aforementioned original instruments)
Flicker to a blow , ignites my mind
touches thew abyss,kisses the sky
mojo on the run,mojo on the run
hunted down by fans,gunned down by malice
weighed down by malice,and tagged along in the box
to you who lies deeep underneath,do you feel the pain
and share the sorrow of a bleeding heart
of times of rythm,and beats of moments
the mojos belch out the paradoxical blues
AumTriyambakam Yaja MahiSugandhim Pushti VardhanamUrwa Vi Kami Wa VandanathamMrutya Mukshiya Vandanatham(The Maha Mrityunjay Mantra-against trance with tunes replicating the aforementioned original instruments)
Strings dont strum and drums dont beat
the kings,the marigolds,the darkness and queens
merge together in a luminiscence
a flicker they hope,to drown em in
a handfull of spirit,art thou in
its a cruise unto the paradoxical blues
AumTriyambakam Yaja MahiSugandhim Pushti VardhanamUrwa Vi Kami Wa VandanathamMrutya Mukshiya Vandanatham(The Maha Mrityunjay Mantra-against psychedelic trance with tunes replicating the aforementioned original instruments)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Rush Hour @ House Of The People : Jamshedpur Lok Sabha Elections

Amidst banners,hoardings,flags and slogans,the death knell soundest the loudest of principles,morality and constitutional proprieties in all the manifestations that adorn any civil society.A mid term election's inevitability left unaddressed for and by a pm in waiting and a cm in waiting,the adminstrative machinery's watchful eyes forced many a careless politicians to guard themselves against sparking societal enemity and disharmony.LK Advani had clearly failed the test of patriarchy save his acknowledgements of the information highway.The element of failure is an integral constituent of choice.A choice which we make for ourselves,on behalf and for others.Speeches that colourably disguise our inabilities not only dissuade real growth but stall the process for the future generation too whose age has come and undisputedly should be nurtured under the aegis of those who have their foundations in the corridors of education and the altar of conscience.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Jamshedpur Lok Sabha

Belonging to the fraternity of lawyers, it is our personal obligation to explain the framework, the domain and the tenacity of the Constitution Of India in supporting or rejecting malicious circumstances aimed solely at inflicting irreconcilable defeats and gaining false victories. The Constitution Of India we should admit at the outset reigns supreme. Article 101(2) under vacation of seats in the house of the people states, “No person shall be a member both of parliament and of a house of the legislature of a state”. If elected to the legislative assembly and resignation from the parliament not adhered to within the specified period as per rules framed by the President Of India, the seat shall be considered vacated. A candidate of the Bharatiya Janta Party projected alongside his announcement for the Lok Sabha elections for the Jamshedpur Constituency as the Chief Ministerial candidate too is not in good taste of democratic reforms. Article 174 and Article 170 furthermore articulating the ephemeral six month period and composition too vis a vis adequate representation, Article 330 relates to reservation of seats for members of the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe which in a progressive society is very noble and is made solely for the purpose of assimilation i.e. bringing such members of the society in the mainstream alongside others. The obedience of such allowances though is the need of the hour and its extinguishment after the stipulated period rightly so where we would all be equal, the announcement of such candidatures is surely not our concern since it is the personal opinion of a political party and part of its own agenda more so for our faith in the creator and all his creations equally majestic innately since birth. The non permissible and unacceptable bit is elections being thrust on the people in such a manner that such candidates who have been projected as the Chief Minister too if the party assumes power in the State Of Jharkhand, re-elections for the constituency towards choosing a representative for Parliament in the same tenure is an inevitability. We, as a matured populace should discourage such practices more so with such candidates harping on Constitutional values and propriety in articles which appeared incidentally today in the Hindustan, a respectable Hindi daily.Shibu Soren’s failure in securing a seat at the legislative assembly towards retaining the post of Chief Minster has already plunged the state into a state of limbo and uncertainty. We, as voters should cast our votes more consciously and elect the most befitting candidate worthy of representing us in Parliament. An honest and able candidate with a vision for true development should be our appropriate choice. In the absence of one, we should unhesitantly try being a candidate ourselves while imperative it is to state that our pledge to serve the constituency selflessly without fear and favour for the entire term of five years should be uncompromising. A prime minister in waiting could wait some more.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Our pledge towards the environment strange as it may sound coming from a small town where siestas are a regular affair as our attunement to the past sirens of the steel plant drowned probably in the chaotic affairs of nonsensical indulgences, the revelation of this blatant abuse of the environment runs partly through the course of the Swarnrekha.She is a river devoutly kind and abused till she can breathe no more. Running through her path and expected to grow ever more in her richness after the confluence of the Kharkai, the disguises of developments are ever so revealed on either side. On her left is the embankment revealing soil that supports greenery inspite of degradation and careless afforestation while to her right, her embankment has been lost to the growth of a steel plant. It has plainly usurped her insainly.What once remained a thickly forested area houses presently a stretch called the marine drive built on a mountain of slag produced by the gigantic steel plant. The intention portrayed as noble and the exercise to the benefit of flood ravaged areas, causation only in the later years for reasons of frenetic deforestation and soil inundation; the slag supports no life while a machine works tirelessly to level the mother of all heaps. The dumps laying bare the shamelessness of the custodian of a city which in all our innocence we believed to be correct on the path to development, we alas have lost her pristine beauty to the chaotic affair of rampant and careless industrialisation which seeks only profit, profit and more profit. The river is our source of livelihood, of maturity and growth for the future generations. A public Interest Litigation too we believe was once filed but in the midst of our feel for what may be blue, green and black; we have forgotten the real significance of green. Algae on the surface is an apparent disclosure and effluents discharged by municipalities as if the curse of slag was not enough to stifle her, a notice from the state pollution control board is all that has been heard of. It too in due course for all our indifference would be lost for want of apathy, concern and indulgences towards preservation of the only home mankind has ever known. Writing a paper on atomic energy some years ago as part of academic pursuit, the river too it was revealed was getting a fair share of effluent (vide ground water contamination and of tributaries and water bodies) which otherwise causes wide spread radiation. Plastic and polythene, the new age man's strangest fascination clogs the river. Unmindful of discarding offerings made to gods in these water and air proof clothing for discarded produce of nature's bounties, little in the form of awareness is made to generate save the little children who came along for the immersion of the goddess of learning. They are the real custodians and the pictures speak more than any man could ever write about. The present initiative we write not to gain an audience with any starlets or cine stars but with our conviction that the fourth estate shall also take the pledge to awaken those moribund souls, more so with the campaign being held in aid of TERI. The slag dumped to create an embankment is loosely bound and mounds of it continuously slip into the river. There are no trees for the wonder of earth was never understood by the corporations. Their boards alongside are a complete mockery of what nature for eternity has offered. Rivers around the world and especially India where they have been worshipped for eons have shaped civilisations and the precursor to lighting a billion lives should be that one light which says purify yourselves and I shall flow through thee. The river's purity and sanctity we have pledged to restore and no corporations how mighty they be can ever rob her of her innate sacredness. She is the elixir of our lives and shall continue shaping our destinies which we are obligated to write too ourselves. Contributed by Dev, a std.XI student, Mohan a photographer,Amit a freelance media person and so many more like us especially those little children who have their faith instilled in the goddess of learning,Saraswati who thought to have long dried up at Prayag still flows silently given our faith in the confluence of rivers, minds and ableness.The pictures with the write up are the horrific belongings of and emanate from the stretch where the River passes through the city of jamshedpur or Tatanagar in Jharkhand,built around the steel plant called the Tata Iron & Steel Co. Ltd.whose due respect to Her is its responsibility. TERI alongwith NDTV should pledge to join to support our modest campaign and acknowledge the harm done during the commissioning of such a grotesque crime. Half the battle would then be already won.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Regulating India

Chief Election Commissioner(CEC) Gopalaswami's recommendation of removal of Election Commissioner(EC) Chawla finds its requisite support under Cl. 3 of Article 324 of The Constitution Of India wherein any election commissioner or regional commissioner would not be removed except on the recommendation of the CEC.EC Chawla's elevation to the post of CEC is yet due and the foregoing provision of the clause relating to removal of a CEC with an adequate majority of Parliament as applicable to the removal of a Judge of The Supreme Court under Article 124(4) thus cannot find favours.Taking however an apolitical view more so where instances of partisan behaviour has been projected,the Chattisgarh elections strangely enough does not find a mention and neither were any corrective measures adopted when the slated day of polling was fixed on the 14th day of November forcefully lending a credence and uncalled for support in disguised form to the party at power in the centre.The larger question thus emerging is who calls the shots at such instances?Plainly, the very framework of the Election Commission needs to be redefined and restructured for it to emerge as a non-partisan agency.The Tricolour is the proprietory belonging of the entire nation and similarly parties as the Congress(I) and Trinamul with their flags which have inscriptions on the tricolour sans the ashok chakra have merely usurped the identity of the nation.Where exactly does the fine line between absolute freedom subject to reasonable restrictions and proprietory domain lie and could the opinion of the CEC have come at a better time than when national fervour is at its pinnacle on a day demanding a pristine Constitution to celebrate the day for adequate regulation of the republic?Given India's babudom and Police Raj,curtailment of the fundamental right towards needful expression certainly would be easy and the nation's pride cannot be afforded to be submitted at the altar of such grotesque institutions where one's right to wear the identity of ones national honour is held captive by a certain section of the populace only.The nation's interests would have to be protected and even the fourth estate should join in these campaigns and strives where the attempt is merely to free ourselves of all bondage to attain a greater nation than the founding leaders had ever dreamt of.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

rang de basanti

The miseries of our nation would merely multiply if people who have had a fair share of wordly learning do not come into the public domain.debates,discussions and polity of the masses are an essential ingredient for any democracy whose plint for sustainance are its is we who make whatever we desire India and the world to be.A fervent plea of sorts if you may say so.people as you and me have to take an active interest and part in national politics,strange as it may sound and murkier still as it may get.